Pro-Beijing Group’s Hate Campaign Includes Fliers, Banner, and Biting

17-02-11 Dafa Association. “We are sorry that one group used on their Chinese New Year banner the very same hate...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 ambitious Lu Shang obviously had clear insight about the Shang Dynasty. One day, Emperor Zhou summoned Lu...

法拉盛中心 最便宜停车场

17-02-07 $5、二小时$7.5、三小时$8.5、八小时$13、24小时$22。休旅车或厢型车以上价格加$1。长江超市顾客一小时免费、中美超市消费满$20可停1.5小时。 ★富顿一号(One Fulton Square...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 take the boy as my disciple, the townspeople will think of me as one of those people who 'cuts off...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 ), was from Huaiyin (modern day Jiangsu Province). He was one of the three heroes who helped establish...


17-02-02 5分钟美国短片《One Day》风靡全球,一个个温暖的举动,在一个接一个的传递中,让善良洒满人间。看过此片后,你会顿觉世界如此美好。...

川普住在白宫感觉不错  但不得不换手机

17-02-02 ,这里还有一段有关川普总统所用手机鲜为人知的秘闻。据英国《每日邮报》报导,随着唐纳德·川普总统上任,他也被赋予了一个新的手机数字符号。在总统竞选活动之前、期间和之后,他使用Android智能手机进行业务和发表推文...

〝重庆李嘉诚〞张松桥大手笔海外购物业    疑转移资产

17-02-02 效仿李嘉诚,将大陆资产快速转移至海外。据英国《每日电讯报》1月27日报导,张松桥斥资2.92亿英镑(约25亿元人民币),买下了位于伦敦帕丁顿火车站附近的写字楼One Kingdom Street。该大楼...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (2 of 2)

17-01-28 no one in the Song military camp can defeat the Jin prince, Jin Wuzhu's son, Jin Chanzi. We...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 It comes from the painting series ‘One Hundred Aspects of the Moon’ by Japanese Edo period ukiyo-e...

If a Ruler Is Amiable and Approachable, the People Will Submit to Him Willingly

17-01-28 , the people will not be willing to be close to their ruler. If one is amiable and easy to approach, the...

A Gap in the Great Firewall: Mobile Apps

17-01-28 millions of apps there one by one,” Zhu Wei of the China University of Political Science and Law told the...


17-01-24 (图片:Android Police截图)中国美图公司旗下修图软件“美图秀秀”,主打素颜自拍帮网友自动美颜,因此深受俊男靓女推崇。但专家提醒,该款APP存在严重安全问题,或将用户资料送回中国大陆...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 a Xiu Cai. One day he called upon a friend to exchange writing skills. He wrote an essay titled, “Wise...

Everyone's Fortune Is Predestined

16-03-27 young. One Chinese New Year's Eve while all the families in town were celebrating the New Year and...

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20  The exam began. When Yan Shu received the exam paper, he found that the question was the one he had...

A Story about Retribution 善恶迟早有报 怨天尤人害己

16-03-13 retributions. One has to have some enlightenment quality and faith in heaven to understand heavenly principles....

财富杂志 “最佳雇主 100强”  大华府占7位

16-03-12 马里兰州贝塞斯达(Bethesda)的Marriott International。第88名,位于维州麦克林市的Capital One Financial。第99名,位于维州麦克林市的Mars。另外,位于...


16-03-12 )。超市 5%(每个月前 $250 的消费),加油 5%(每个月前 $250 的消费),Amazon 5% (每个月前 $750 的消费)。Capital One:·       QuickSilver...

可怕:大数据可以从你身上获取这 21 项隐私

16-03-09 可以获悉你和他人之间关系转淡的时机。他们仅需追踪你在 Facebook 页面上的行为和状态即可预测某段关系的持久程度,精准度相当惊人。4、Google 很容易获悉你的旅行轨迹,这一点对于 Android...


16-03-06 %。 第二类是里程和点数累积信用卡。资本银行(Capital One)的Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card值得考虑,一旦申请这张卡时、并在前三个月消费...

A Brief Discussion on the Chinese Character "Ren" (忍, Forbearance)

16-03-05 "Ren" is pictophonetics (a character that is formed by combining one element indicating...

境外旅行即使语言不通 这些小窍门也能帮到你!

16-03-03 老板看。还可以解决有什么忌口,哪里有卖什么东西等问题。还有APP喔,iOS版和Android版都有。5、学习一些简单的当地用语言记住一些当地名称的发音、或将你要去的地方名称用当地语言打印出来是个不错...


16-03-02 就无法和Android手机的充电器共用。据线上筹集资金网站Kickstarter的信息,LMcable设计出全球首款双头充电线,一端是MicroUSB接头;另一端是多功发光传输接头(Lightning Connector...


16-02-28 、Calico、Google X以及Sidewalk Labs。谷歌专注于核心的搜寻与广告业务,其它还有谷歌地图、YouTube、技术基础建设、Android以及应用程序(App)。Nest制造智能温控设备硬件...

四款信用卡 可以让你省钱

16-02-27 看到FICO信用分数。利率相对的低,只有1 .24%,远低于全美信用卡平均利率15%,不过如果您的信用较差,利率相对高,最高可达23.24%。●第二类是哩程和点数累积信用卡。资本银行(Capital One...

Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens

16-02-27 Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens Filial piety is one of the Chinese traditional...

ApplePay进驻中国 靠什么挑战支付宝和微信

16-02-27 亿英镑)。   除了“Apple Pay”之外,谷歌的“安卓支付”方式(Android Pay)已经在美国超过一百万个站点使用,而“三星支付”(Samsung Pay)于去年八月份在韩国推出一个月后...


16-02-26 ,此一漏洞影响1.4万款app(应用),波及上亿台Android装置。今年1月,日本《读卖新闻》报导,日本信息安全公司Trend Micro发现百度提供的安卓手机软件“Simeji privacy...

里根(下):终结共产 兑现神的托付

16-02-26One people under God,Dedicated to the dream of freedomThat He has placed in the human heart,Called...


16-02-25 爆料,一位网名为typcn人在Twitter上发文称,支付宝Android版每隔几分钟会在后台启动摄像头进行拍照、录音,并上传到服务器,甚至会扫瞄通讯录,通话记录,以及附近WiFi等信息。该网友还附上了...


16-02-24 cold war because it was a battle of values—between one system that gave preeminence to the state and...


16-02-22 知道多少?!月亮拍摄篇ONE使用相机拍摄拍摄地点避开城市灯光污染和空气污染,最好空气更通透的郊外。拍摄技巧拍摄月亮第一要注意的就是‘曝光’。可通过设定正确的光圈、使用点测光、曝光补偿等来矫正。其次一定要保证足够...

Zhuge Liang and His Teacher 诸葛亮求学

16-02-20 out more about his character. He sent one of his young servants to Longzhong (now Nanyang City, Henan...

不需买玩具 自己在家就可以“打印”

16-02-15 为299.99美元。用户可以透过Android和iPhone手机来打印自己喜欢的玩具种类,像是洋娃娃、玩具恐龙、珠宝、机器人,还有更多更多各式各样、包罗万象的玩具。用户可以透过“ThingMaker”的应用程序...

混合动力领衔 2016年10大汽车科技趋势

16-02-13 的研发,政府在城市建设上也着手合理布局更多充电桩。2. 苹果和谷歌入侵汽车苹果CarPlay和谷歌Android Auto已经问世许久,在2016年,它们有望真正出现在你的新车上。包括沃尔沃、福特、大众...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 solar calendar. Its calculation is based on the cycle of the Earth rotating the sun. One cycle lasts...


16-02-08 考证“猴年马月”这个词的来历,一些专家认为,“猴年马月”可能来自民间谚语;也一种流行的说法认为“猴年马月”是“何年嘛月”谐音的变体;而在英语中,“猴年马月”被认为是“One of these years...


16-02-06 ”要受查,更有传闻称,龚清概曾以会指控“台独”作威胁,“睡了”一个在大陆已知名的台籍女艺人。练乙铮在文章中还指,客观条件看,在中国全国范围内,香港财富乃是依旧的”number one“,因此对那些特别...

One Stray Thought with a 600 Year Consequence

16-02-06 upside down on his hands and leaned against a wall to rest. One day he met a Taoist who told him, "...